EMIA 2021 _____
Application Process
To attend one or both sessions of Earl Mosley's Institute of the Arts summer intensive, you must audition and complete the online application. You do not however need to audition before you apply. The sooner you complete the online application the better.
Acceptance to the program following the audition does not guarantee a space. Your space will be guaranteed if you apply and send in a deposit of $150. Full payment for residential rooms is due by April 30th. Dorm space is not guaranteed after April 30th but may be available. Full tuition payment is due by June 15th.
If you have any questions email steffen@diversityofdance.org or call Steffen at 860.350.6494 during regular business hours.

2020 Tuition
Tuition (does not include room and board)
Session 1 (July 5-18) $1,100
Session 2 (July 19-August 1) $1,100
Sessions 1 and 2 (July 5 - August 1) $2,200
Residential Fees
Hofstra Room Options
One Session (two weeks) for a Double Room ($650)
Both Sessions (four weeks) for a Double Room ($1300)
One Session (two weeks) for a Single Room ($800) (available only for those 18 and over) Both Sessions (four weeks) for a Single Room ($1600) (available only for those 18 and over)
Hofstra Board (Meals) Options
Option 1 Pre-Pay Meals
Students may purchase a Hofstra meal card which may be used at any of the food vendors on campus. The card is $280 for one session or $560 for both sessions. That equates out to $20 per day. Note, if any money is left on the card it will not be returned.
Option 2 No Official Meal Plan
Students may purchase food at one of several restaurants on campus with cash, debit or credit card
Plus $100 Hofstra Key Deposit
The mandatory key deposit will be returned at the end of the intensive (the key card serves as the room key and the food purchase card)
Applications are being taken online to insure accuracy of information. Click on the link above to complete the application. You will be notified that your submission was successful. If for some reason, you cannot apply online, please contact us. It is important that you contact us as we cannot be responsible for applications not received. Pay particular attention to the "letter of intent." This should explain what you hope to learn at EMIA this summer and why you would like to attend. The scholarship application is separate, and MUST be submitted if you are interested in receiving partial assistance.
Scholarship Application
For dancers interested in receiving a partial scholarship, you must complete an online scholarship application in addition to the general application. Click here or on the link below to complete the application. You will be notified that your submission was successful. Pay particular attention to the statement of need in the online application explaining why you need financial assistance. In addition, you will also need to submit page one ONLY of your family's most recent IRS 1040 tax form via email, fax or mail. Scholarship awards notifications will be made in March/April. Note, all dancers must pay something toward tuition and there are several levels of scholarship awards. All dancers who are awarded a scholarship will be considered work study with small tasks to complete throughout the intensive. Work study captains and resident assistants will be selected by Mr. Mosley